Thursday, December 30, 2010


so, whilst in albuquerque, we did a LITTLE shopping.

one of my purchases? a pair of mini cameo earrings. i love love love LOVE cameos. ♥


this was on the way to albuquerque. we had to take my truck in for some kind of "voluntary recall" work. 

from cuba on down south got lots of snow. up northern new mexico hadn't gotten squat yet. but this was about a half hour from albs. the sandia mountains look amazing. i had uploaded this photo to a local news station and johnathan said he saw it a few mornings later on tv.



so after our failed attempt to go to montana for thanksgiving, i finally gave roxy a well needed haircut and bath. only problem with that was, she was so used to shaggy hair that she was shivering all the time. we had to get her a couple of shirts and a jacket.

here she is in her christmas shirt. it says "baby it's cold outside" :)


so the week of finals... ugh.

was driving home. i had just left campus and was sitting at the forever red light at the bottom of the hill. this is what happens when i'm bored in my vehicle with my camera as my side kick. you have no idea how many pictures i actually take like this.

see my shiny white car?


dance comotion is over for the semester so now i can concentrate on the rest of life. LIFE IS DANCE! :)

anyway, i had ordered christmas cards from sams club online but when i kept checking, the store said they didnt have the order. luckily, i had backup cards. i didnt have to use them because a day later the store called and said they miraculously had them in.


here's my niece. they came to the dance como show the night before and spent the night. we started out good with the baby in a good mood during pictures. but a little at a time, things went to hell in a handbasket. she was so cranky and whiny and crying more than halfway through. *sigh*

but i did get a few good ones before the monster came out...


the last night of the show. this was by far the best show. everyone of the pieces i was in were flawless. good times.

anyway, this was in the dressing room. the show order was taped to the mirror. i was in my bellydance outfit. good times.

now i have a few more weeks left to wait before the next semester of dancing starts. i already have my piece in mind and some minor tweaking to do on the choreography. i also pretty much have costumes. that's how excited and prepared i am for next semester.


so one of the dances i was in, the candyman dance, one of the choreographers made us headbands. they had poinsetta flowers and matched with the rest of our costumes.

it's crazy how many new friends you make every semester through dancing. this was someone that i would probably never have talked to but we became friends through one of the dances.

here she is adjusting her headband before our candyman performance.


the first night of the show. it went pretty well. the crowd was super lame-o but i guess the president had asked that people not cheer during the performances because they were video taping. it sucked because that's how the dancers get pumped and give a good show. so telling ppl not to cheer was definitely a mistake.

anyway, after the show i was beat. i was walking back to my truck and dropped my water bottle. and water i desperately needed spilled all over the ground. =(

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


it was dress rehearsal and we were having way too much fun with someone's extensions!


so dance comotion usually doesnt have many solo performances and they usually discourage it. there's this choreographer who doesnt like in durango anymore but had choreographed a one person piece. i think they let her just because it was so amazing.

anyway, it was three seperate pieces with the same dancer. the dancer is simply amazing. she's such a good dancer. i've had her in a couple of my pieces and she really dances from the heart.

this is from one of the three pieces and a particularly emotional one.


so the show for dance comotion was that week. it's a long week and definitely tests your dedication to dance comotion. that monday and tuesday is tech rehearsal and can usually run until well after 11pm. that wednesday night is dress rehearsal and everyone is required to be there.

in this pic, the girl in the middle is the dance comotion president, katie. she's talking to a group of dancers on stage after their run through.

Monday, December 6, 2010


we bought paint last weekend for the kitchen. didn't get to it so we said we'd do it this weekend. sunday to be specific. didn't get to it again.

i swear, this paint better not be sitting here until february!


this is probably my favorite dance of the semester. this was at the last rehearsal saturday. and no, i don't always wear ripped hooker tights like that- it's part of the costume for the dance. was getting used to dancing in them before the show this week.


i made my first quilt! i can't believe it. i'm a little obsessed with it right now. i always said i wanted to quilt and i actually did. all by my self!!

johnathan picked out the material. :)


i was browsing through christmas wallpaper for my desktop background when i saw a pic that inspired me.

i dont know why this pic uploaded distorted... but you get the idea.


yay! got my sewing machine during the black friday sale. i will not even go into that story! suffice it to say that we will probably not be going to any more black friday sales unless they are in montana!

so i've been playing around with it for a couple of days. i had to learn how to do it on youtube cuz the instructional manual made it sound like i was flying to outter space the dang thing! my first attempts at sewing are actually pretty hilarious but will definitely be going into the trash can.


we ended up not being able to go to montana for thanksgiving cuz of the weather. so roxy got her haircut early.

poor doggy! she was freezing her butt off without her hair. finally had to get her a jacket and shirt. so now she's running around with a shirt that says "princess" and a big pink jacket. my dad says to her in the morning "roxy, you're still wearing your nightgown!" :)


got the tree up but it took me a few days before i could actually decorate it with more than lights and a garland. unpacked all my christmas junk and finally, at least, put the wreath on the door. having all the xmas stuff out makes me feel a little more in the holiday spirit. 


so i was taking a jazz class through san juan college this semester. i didnt realize when i signed up that there was a recital they do at the end of the semester. all the dance classes (both credit and non-credit classes) put on a show.

we had dress rehearsal the night before which was when i got this pic. there was this girl and another one actually that i wanted to take a quick pic of but by the end the other girl had already taken her costume off and was headed out the door.

this girl and i were already on stage and the lighting was perfect.


we've been pretty lucky to be able to decorate our tree in different colored ornaments for the last couple of years. last year it was a pink tree, the year before that it red and gold, before that it was cheap plastic ornaments.

i wanted to do another pink tree. in fact, i was excited about it. johnathan hardly ever says anything to me about what he wants things decorated. he lets me do whatever i want to do but i think he's had too much pink this year- remember the pink bedroom i painted a few months ago...

he didn't come right out and say "i dont want a pink tree this year" but he did say "let's get blue ornaments this year". i jumped right into it. i think he was being manipulative when i think back on it now! if he had said he didn't want the pink tree i would have said "too bad!" and done it anyway. but because he usually never says anything, i jumped all over his suggestion.

touche, baby. touche. 


getting ready to decorate the tree, i started pulling all the ornaments we've collected over the years. our tree is usually decorated with our standard decorations but near the top we decorate with the ornaments we get every year. we've been together going on 8 years and we have one for every year we've been together.

this is our ornament for 2010. scotland was our favorite part of our europe trip we took in august. scotland is what we remember the most and probably the most beautiful place we were at. *sigh* i miss you scotland. 


i got to thinking about johnny carinos. man, i miss that place! having an olive garden in town has made me super happy though. as long as i can get some good italian food, i'm happy. the thing that johnny carinos had that olive garden doesn't was an awesome italian chocolate cake.

then that got me hungry for just plain chocolate cake. i had cake mix in the pantry (surprise, surprise!) and some left over cupcake linings.

mmmmmm. i was the only one in the house who ate them which was just fine with me!


i was making cards for my dancers before the madness of the show hit us.


i dont know what the heck my dad was doing! i came home and walked by his room on my way to the office and saw him asleep like this. i had no idea what the heck was on his head. i tried not to laugh out loud the entire time i was taking pictures of him.

it turns out this is some kind of head gear. he's been ordering stuff (and cheap stuff at that- cheap as in quality) from this catalogue he has. he has way too much time on his hands. anyway, it turns out he had this thing on the wrong way and it's really not suppose to look this ridiculous. it still looks ridiculous just not this ridiculous. 


it felt like that time where i take a self portrait. i played around a little too much in photoshop. must have had a little too much time on my hands or something.