Saturday, July 14, 2012


so i already explained the whole thing with lauren's senior sem performance.
they made so curtain type thing as part of the whole setup on our "stage".
it consisted of pieces of mirror glued onto a clear tarp and there were christmas lights involved.
(and it was a whole lot cooler than the way i described it).

i snapped a quick pic of myself after the show of me in costume.
i feel this photo went well with the whole "howl" theme.



okay! i remember this day clearly. right after dance comotion ended that saturday, lauren's senior sem rehearsals started the next day. lauren was graduating with a degree in theater and as part of her senior sem, she had a performance to put on. actually, her senior sem was famous works of art interpreted through dance. okay, i know that sounds hokey but it was actually really cool. she put alot of thought into the dance styles and music selection and the choreography for each was so good!

so she had a tap, contemporary, hip hop, ballet, etc. the piece that i was in was the contemporary piece. it was starry night done to florence + the machine's howl. which is right HERE if you wanna have a listen to. love that song!

anyway, we had tech rehearsal that sunday and monday and the show was that tuesday. and this was during finals week! i had a final on wednesday and then me and john were taking off to vegas right after for a wedding to shoot on thursday, coming back that friday and graduating that saturday. so it was a full week to say the least!

but anywho, back to the picture. so we were sitting in the gallery where we performed and they were trying to fix a lighting situation while lauren was talking to us. i was snapping a few pics when i glanced over and allie was bathed in the spotlight. she was looking up at the light person while listening to lauren talk. and fyi: the walls really are black in that room. this is pretty much SOTC.



took some pictures of a relative and her husband.
i was a little tired from dance comotion but that was officially over.

we had planned this shoot for a few weeks before
but had to reschedule for some reason or another.

we had planned on doing some indoors then heading out to the river.
but it was so hot and we got all the shots we needed indoors.

but this is norman and his deputy uniform.
pretty sweet angle, if i do say so myself.



last night of the show is always my favorite.
people are always pumped
and everyone gives it their all.
best performance of the show, i'd say.

i happened to catch this photo by chance.
i went on the other side of the stage for some reason.
maybe it was to get a different angle of the dances...
whatever the reason, i am SO glad that i did
or else i would have missed this shot.

this was another duet.
a cute swing dance.
and since it was the last night of the show,
she kissed him on the cheek.
and i just happened to catch it.
so very glad!

closing night


this was during the friday night show.
i loved this piece and wish now that i could have been in it.
my good friend tegan choreographed it.
in fact, i had a spot in it if i wanted
but the rehearsal was on a day that i just could NOT make it to durango.

but anyway, it was a whole circus-y dance.
very cool with some belly dancers, hoola hoopers, etc.

celebrate the bizarre


opening night of dance comotion.
after a while, opening night loses alot of its nerves.
i remember when i first started dc,
i used to be SUPER nervous of opening night.

now the only time i'm nervous is perhaps during the final show.
of course, that's when everyone i care about comes.

but this photo is of stephanie and her brother kryn.
they did a duet that was pretty awesome.
of course, everyone raved about her dress.
i gotta say it was pretty amazing.
all black and sparkly.
what is it with girls and little black dresses anyway?

as you can tell,
this was taken from the curtains off stage.
i didn't notice it until someone mentioned it
after i posted this pic on facebook,
but the lights and the glare from it
make it look like there's a smiley face.

opening night


so this was the last piece of the show.
it was to the country version of footloose.
this was during dress rehearsal.
but look at all that hair!

dress rehearsal


i had gone up to durango this day to meet up with my senior sem group to finish up our project. we were taking a quick break and one of my group members, amanda, was sitting at the window looking out.

actually, i can't really take the credit for this pic since it was another group member who told me to look at amanda...

honestly though, this project was one of the easiest things ever. i can't believe that this was actually my entire senior sem project. all we did was take surveys and compile it. i've done harder projects in my stats class!

head in the clouds

Monday, May 28, 2012


i had met up with riya and toni in albuquerque to go prom dress shopping for riya.
you would think that out of all the stores there in both the malls
that there would be a better selection of dresses in more stores.
although, in their defense, there were several schools in albs that were having their prom.
but still.
the only stores that we found prom dresses were in the department stores.

i ended up not getting home until close to 2 in the morning.
my poor doggies were doing the peepee dance in their kennel.
so i took them out and remembered that i hadnt taken my pic for that day.

this was snapped while they did their thing.
it's not very clear because it was late and i was tired
and i didnt really care about what settings i had my camera on at the time.

saturday night leaves


i distinctly remember this picture. it was towards the end of the semester and i was working with one of my senior sem group members, trying to finish our senior sem papers.

my senior seminar class was really laid back this semester. the professor had to have surgery on some ligaments halfway through the semester and so we missed a lot of class and the projects didn't seem to have very much importance in the end.

we were split into groups to come up with some sort of project. i'll be honest and say that my group's project was pretty lackluster. oh, we had grand projections in the beginning but the end result was kind of meh. we were gonna be working with a photographer in durango. we were supposed to be working closely with her but it ended up being that only one of group members actually met with her and discussed anything.

but what we ended up doing were surveys on campus. seriously, i'd done bigger projects in statistics class than i did in this senior sem class...

anyway, i had gone outside to move my car into a different parking lot and take a quick break before heading back into the computer lab with my group member. i snapped this pic because this sits right outside the library where i was at.



these are some fun people in this pic!
this was at erika's last dance rehearsal
about a week before the dance comotion show.

i'm sure we're missing a couple of people
or there were people who didn't want their pic taken
but this was pretty much the group.

her dance this semester was to
"on her majesty's secret service"
by the propellerheads.
it was a cool little piece that was so well thought out.

erika's last rehearsal


i was driving home from durango one night after dance rehearsal.
this was that weird stretch of road right after you get off the hill from cedar hills right before the road curves.
the cops like to hang out on this stretch of road.

i was slowing down (so as not to get pulled over for speeding)
when i glanced to my left and saw this shed thingy all light up.
i turned around and went back.
i had to set my camera on the hood of my car in order to get this shot since it was cold and i was too shakey.

drive home


i had met up with vanny for dinner.
this is her little guy playing with his toys while we talked

dinner-time play

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


just a pic of my dad's dirty dresser top.

dresser top


it was easter.
we didn't have any plans
since mike's little one made his arrival
a few days before
and it would have been too much
for them to try to make it up for easter.

so me and john just hung out.
spent as much time together as we could
before he had to head back to page.

i cannot wait until he doesn't have to
go back to that place anymore!

but we had a happy easter with eachother.

happy easter