Monday, May 28, 2012


i had met up with riya and toni in albuquerque to go prom dress shopping for riya.
you would think that out of all the stores there in both the malls
that there would be a better selection of dresses in more stores.
although, in their defense, there were several schools in albs that were having their prom.
but still.
the only stores that we found prom dresses were in the department stores.

i ended up not getting home until close to 2 in the morning.
my poor doggies were doing the peepee dance in their kennel.
so i took them out and remembered that i hadnt taken my pic for that day.

this was snapped while they did their thing.
it's not very clear because it was late and i was tired
and i didnt really care about what settings i had my camera on at the time.

saturday night leaves