Wednesday, May 19, 2010


it was my last day at work. well, technically friday was my last day but my boss had already told everyone that i would be gone wednesday (for a funeral) and that i wouldn't be back into the office after that. she was determined to get me out of there asap. no skin off my nose since i'll be getting paid for it without taking anything away from my sick and vacation hours. i'd almost be insulted if i wasn't so happy to be leaving.

anyway, they got me a cake and some flowers as a going away thing. they invited everyone in our office over and it was nice saying bye to everyone. there are people there that i'll miss. kind of bittersweet because i did make friends with a lot of good people all over the organization and a lot of people were sad to see me go.

but the cake? either they had an illiterate write it or they forgot to add a "t" to it...