Tuesday, May 25, 2010


so i really meant to make navajo tacos for dinner tonight... (the road to hell is paved with good intentions) BUT on the plus side, i did wash the dishes! it's been quite some time since i've washed the dishes. i would daresay over a year. i know, i know, i have a husband who spoils me. i'm kind of stupid like this, but i washed the dishes after i gave myself a manicure. now my nails are all chipped. DOH!

so we went to wonderful house tonight. our one "night out" for the whole week. we made a deal that we would only eat out once a week including the weekends. so no eating out this weekend, since we spent our "night out" already. this is gonna suck. johnathan was trying to say that we would only eat out once a month!! preposterous!! i told him that if we were gonna try cutting costs since i'm not working anymore, and we're gonna do it by not eating out so much to at least be more realistic about it. so we decided on once a week.

i dont know if it's just because i'm sick, or starting to get over being sick, but food is just not tasting right to me. the texture and taste. like... everything almost tastes soggy to me... *shrugs shoulders*