Sunday, July 18, 2010


so i've been having an "ugly betty" marathon. it's been showing on the tvguide channel for the past week and a half but it's all out of order and i just heard the other day that the show was getting cancelled.

when i first started working in ignacio, i started watching "ugly betty" on the internet at work. i didn't have anything else to do but answer phones. i believe it was on it's second season so i watched the whole first season and watched the second one as it was coming out.

i'm sad to say that i didnt get to watch the 3rd or 4th season cuz i got promoted.

aaanyway, so i've been watching it on the tvguide channel and like i said it was all out of order. found the shows on and got caught up on the whole 4th season over the weekend. i just watched the last show- the season finale a few minutes ago. i'm so bummed that the show is cancelled!! i think i'll be giggling for a few more days over the show though. if you've ever watched it you'll know why. the writing was just so funny! =*(

anyway, it's because of the "ugly betty" marathon that my doggy is still shaggy by the weekend's end. poor puppy can barely see through her bangs. johnathan keeps saying i should give her a mohawk.