Tuesday, July 27, 2010


toni and i painted my bedroom pink yesterday. i know! PINK! it's a really lovely pink color though with sparlies in the paint. ♥

i told johnathan that i wanted to paint the bedroom and cover up the ugly dark red that we had in there. i originally was gonna do a champaign color but found the pink instead. john was alright with it as long as i didn't paint the livingroom pink he said.

well, the paint got on everyone that was in the house, minus my dad. first, baby got a hold of the lid and proceeded to get the paint all over her

1) face,
2) overalls (which i had just bought for her from a yard sale a few days ago), aaand
3) my furniture, plus
4) the carpet
it all came off everything pretty easy since we caught her before it all dried. i think the overalls may be toast though. oh well, they were only 50 cents.
then toni was getting off the lady carrying the paint tray when it hit the top of the ladder and knocked out of her hands right on her! luckily she was standing on the drop cloth so my carpet was saved. but she got it in her hair and all over the front of her.
then baby got into the actual paint bucket and tray. she tipped over the bucket and was playing with it. luckily there was only a thin layer at the bottom of the bucket and she was on the drop cloth. but again, she took another vigorous bath in the sink.
then roxy and kitty got involved.
kitty kept going for the rollers and paint brushes... as we were using them! i found pink paint in her whiskers today.
roxy kept side swiping the wet walls. she's got paint on her ears and down her side. she'll have to be shaved and cut (which i'm ashamed to say i still have not done...)
so yesterday i was painting the baby, sister, dog, and kitty pink. if i were queen, i'd totally be painting the roses pink.