so i've been taxi-ing my dad around since we brought him back from gallup cuz he's vehicle-less. i had to take him to his doctor's appointment tuesday morning before i went to class. i dropped him off and went to the gym and worked out. when i picked him up he said that the doctor put him on insulin.
he's been a diabetic for many many years. but up until now they had him taking medication orally for it. i always remember him saying that he'd rather die first before having to take insulin shots. the meds they had him on controlled his diabetes but it was causing other damage to his liver. since he already has liver problems (and you can't just regrow a liver) they had to move him onto insulin instead.
he seemed a little bummed about it at first but when we were driving home he started joking about it. i told him that if it allowed him to be around longer, than that was just something he had to do. he was saying "i guess i'll just go on insulin since i'm too chicken to die yet." that's him, always joking.
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