Friday, November 5, 2010


election day. okay, i'm ashamed to admit that i did not vote. i missed the deadline to register so i couldn't vote in this election.

we got a new govenor and a host of new people. the navajo nation also had their presidential elections. there was a woman running for president for the first time. johnathan said he was talking to some people who were saying that there were superstitions about having a woman for a leader. some nonsense about how "they say" that if a woman is leader of the navajos that she would bring the whirlwinds and tornadoes. and some are saying that tornado that touched down in flagstaff is proof that she shouldn't be running.

i think that's bullshit. i've never heard of it before. and why would "they" be saying that when our society is a matriarchal society? i think it's a bunch of chauvinistic men who are threatened by women in power that are spouting this bs.

anyway, the other guy, ben shelly, is now navajo nation president but it was really really close. the woman running, lynda lovejoy, was demanding a recount. our government is so filthy corrupt that i don't blame her! i mean, 77 out of 88 delegates are under investigation as i write for things like missappropriation of funds, fraud, embezzlement including ben shelly- the new president!!

ugh, suffice it to say i've become very very cynical about anything involving the navajo nation government.