so there was a comotion going on on campus tuesday. i guess there's this supposed church called the westburro baptist church that does all kinds of heinous things like protest at soldier's funerals with picket signs saying "god hates fags" and "a good soldier is a dead soldier".
!!!! right?! they're totally retarded and all kinds of other things i'm not even gonna get into.
aaaanyway, there was a film being showed on campus called "the anatomy of hate". not sure what it was really about but the supporters of that church had plans to picket on campus. the campus authorities found they couldn't legally do anything to stop the protestors. so they planned a peace rally to counteract the protest.
the peace rally started when i got outta class. i wouldnt have even gone to it except they started the rally in the parking lot where i was parked. i thought "nice photo op!" so i ran around in the cold and clicked pictures like crazy. this was my favorite one. i really love the 60's vibe i got from it.
peace & love.
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