Tuesday, January 11, 2011


we got a new christmas tree last year sometime in february.
we'd had our little bitty christmas tree since the first christmas we were on our own together.
it was time for an upgrade.

i remember a few years ago when my sister was still married to her ex.
they were doing well financially and that christmas we had dinner at her house.
i remember looking at this huge christmas tree with twinkling white lights
and being slightly envious but also deteremined
to one day have a tree just as gorgeous.

of course, i'm always trying to do this on the cheap. my dad calls me a "bargain hunter",
a title i was always getting teased about by my little brother.
anyway, we got this huge pre-lite christmas tree from sears last year for a major major steal!
in fact,
i think it was cheaper than our original tiny tree.

putting the damn thing together was the fastest part of the whole putting-the-tree-together process. afterwards,
 it was branching the branches out (which took foreeeever!),
 then decorating the dang thing with ornaments.

it's january 11th right now and the damn tree is still sitting in our front room.
be careful what you ask for because it just might come true.