Thursday, February 2, 2012


so this was taken at si senors,
my favorite restuarant!
(now i'm wanting it...)

this is right behind the hostess station
when you first walk in.
i usually dont even look at it
anymore since i've seen it so many times.
but i hadn't taken my pic of the day yet
and so i was actually seeing things again.

this came out gorgeous.
i took several different pictures of it
but this one continues to be my favorite from it.

it makes me think of india.
there's a blog that i follow,
but i'm spacing on the name right now.

the blog owner had gone to india for vacation.
her photos were amazing
and though i hadn't wanted to visit india,
i can't help but think of it
when i dream of vacation right now.
(which is pretty much all the time)