Friday, February 3, 2012


took the doggies for a walk. i need to start walking more again. i've kinda been slacking since school started. they're so much calmer when i walk them a couple miles. plus the benefits for me are outrageous since walking is the best exercise. and it's not a hardship- i just plug in my headphones and listen to my audiobooks.

i got a bunch of good photos on this walk right before it started snowing and we headed for home.
this one is some iron flowers that are in front of the senior center.

i was watching harry potter all day. i've become a huge fan over the past few months. i finally watched all the movies and i got them for a great deal used at hastings.
i've got one of the scenes stuck in head since then. can't stop thinking about it actually. it's when harry and hermione are dancing in "the deathly hallows pt 1".
such a sweet sweet scene. love it. the name of the song is "o children" by nick cave. everything about the scene is simply perfect- the music, the feel, everything. since i can't stop thinking about it, naturally that's what my picture is titled today...

o children