Wednesday, April 25, 2012


all i remember about this day was that i was
procrastinating on a paper i had to write...



this was a last minute shoot.
her dad approached me the day of and asked if i could do a few pictures
of her since that weekend she was going
to shave off all her hair
for one cause or another.

it was in the middle of the day which most of you know
i hate shooting in.
but i'm pleased with the results. 



took the doggies for a walk since it was finally starting to warm up.
all the trees are starting to bloom and everything is becoming green again.
i love spring.
i love summer even more.

but who can resist the trees that bloom flowers?
i mean,
how awesome is that?
to be a tree who blooms flowers
then gives fruit later.
pretty sweet if you ask me.

we were finally given the go ahead as well.
it was a hopeful spring.

hopeful spring


i had a shoot up in durango for twila's senior pics.
i'm so proud of this girly
for graduating this semester
plus she's going to grad school
in seattle.
i wish her nothing but the best.

but about the picture itself,
it is so gorgeous!
i especially love her hair.
it's so reminiscent of the 20's.

nostalgic sunset


i had just gotten back into durango from page.
i left SOOOOO early to get back in time for class.
it sucked having to drive back...
makes it worse that it's longer from page to durango than it
is from page to aztec.

but anyway,
i had a shoot that afternoon with these cuties
for their easter pics.

happy smiles

Thursday, April 12, 2012


so i was headed back out to page, arizona this day. i was going to leave the night before, which was a wednesday, and spend two nights out there. i was planning on coming back early friday morning and going straight up to durango for class.

by the time i got done up in durango on wednesday evening, it was already late and i didn't feel like driving in the dark all the way out there. john was so disappointed. but he talked me into going out there the next day and spending the night. i told him that he'd be back the same day that i was coming back but i guess he was just looking forward to being with me that he didnt care. ♥

anyway, it's a long four hour drive and as i've said before, my favorite part of it is from outside shiprock to about teec nos pos. this was between shiprock and the stateline.

end of the trail


another view in the evening of the clocktower.
i love durango in the evenings,
it's always so gorgeous and the sunsets and mountains
are beyond beautiful.

campus in the sky


i keep saying that i'm going to start riding my bike.
but i hate riding alone and john never wants to go.

when i started working at the visitors center
last summer, i tried riding to work
since work was just right there.
but i always worked in the afternoons
and by the time i got to work
i was hot, sweaty, and gross!


my doggies,
just chilling around the house...

just chillin


awww, my doggies going for a ride with johnathan.
i think he was taking the trash to the dump.
they love going with him
because the lady at the dump always gives
them treats.
spoiled doggies!

going for a ride


i finally finished my circus themed project. ended with the bearded lady which is probably one of my favorite from the shoots. it's hard to say since i had so much fun on each of them. i had some pretty amazing people on the shoots, from the ringleader, to the clowns and gypsies, and the bearded lady and every one in between. so thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. and the pics will probably be done in may but i'll keep you all updated!

so here's the bearded lady. my best friend vanny was the bearded lady. omg, we had so much fun! 

Bearded Lady

Sunday, April 8, 2012


i remember taking a photo on my last 365 and titled it "shattered glass".
very different feelings now compared to then. much better feelings for sure.

shattered glass


all i remember was that i was so tired this day.
had school all day and was worn out from dance.
got home and brushed my teeth.
remembered right before i got into the shower
that i hadnt taken my pic of the day, yet.

so tinkerbell was the star.
i remember i got this the first time i went to disneyland
with my mom and anne when i was 16..



i was driving around campus trying to figure out what my pic of the day would be.
i was standing on the edge of the rim looking out over durango for quite a while.
sometimes, i forget to just stop and look.
there are days where it's a hassle to remember to take a pic.
but most of the time it forces me to slow down
and take a good look around.
gives me a moment to just be
and let my brain do it's own thing,
creating and discarding ideas and angles
until it settles on just what it wants.
and that's when my camera comes into play.

i've shot with my 50mm lens for so long that i can look
at a scene and straight off the bat tell you whether or not
i'll be able to shoot it perfectly or whether i'll have to focus on something else completely.
my fingers move on my camera without conscious thought
adjusting and tweaking lighting, color, etc.
i look at the screen and know exactly what needs to change,
if anything at all.



i've been practicing my night shooting.
it's a lot harder than it sounds.
definitely a challenge to get a good night photo.
since i have to change all my settings on my camera
and open my lens up to let more light in
i have to use a tripod
since the wider the lens is open
the slower the shudder speed.
which basically means that it takes longer for the lens
to close and take the photo.
if i hold it,
even if i try to hold it completely still,
it'll still come out blurry.
so the camera has to be completely still.

i think i did pretty good on this photo.

angels of the night


so this pic was from one of the nights that i have dance practice. i have my practice then an hour before my next rehearsal starts. this dance is the rehearsal that's right between. they're using the song "only if for a night" by florence + the machines. wanna listen? CLICK ME!

it's such a cool song. i finally downloaded the new album- mostly because this song was on it. it's pretty good, i'm definitely a big fan of florence right now.

anyway, so this pic was from their dance practice.

only if for a night


so i know i have been seriously slacking on my blog.
and you know that i'm gonna promise to do better in the future.
and we both know that there's a 50/50 chance that i will.

i'm endeavoring to update almost a months' worth of photos and stories
right now so some stories may be super short.
it'll be easier once i'm completely updated.

so this day cardo brought my kitty
from gallup.
pretty good kitty so far,
the dogs love him,
he loves being babied,
and he uses his litter box.
good kitty. :)

new kitty