i was driving around campus trying to figure out what my pic of the day would be. i was standing on the edge of the rim looking out over durango for quite a while. sometimes, i forget to just stop and look. there are days where it's a hassle to remember to take a pic. but most of the time it forces me to slow down and take a good look around. gives me a moment to just be and let my brain do it's own thing, creating and discarding ideas and angles until it settles on just what it wants. and that's when my camera comes into play.
i've shot with my 50mm lens for so long that i can look at a scene and straight off the bat tell you whether or not i'll be able to shoot it perfectly or whether i'll have to focus on something else completely. my fingers move on my camera without conscious thought adjusting and tweaking lighting, color, etc. i look at the screen and know exactly what needs to change, if anything at all.
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